Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I have never been reticent about how I view novelty yarns. My dislike of them is fairly well documented - lol.
However, ages ago someone in a SP gifted me some Colinette Giotto which has languished at the bottom of a stash bag for a few years. Whilst having a rummage for some cotton yarn I found it and realised that the colours were lovely.

I was in the mood for quick plain knitting over the weekend so it became a drop stitch scarf and guess what? Not only did I really enjoy knitting it, I love the scarf too. I love the colours and the drape, it wears well and is comfortable and versatile. I am not a convert to this type of yarn or knit by any means, but as a one off it was good.

As for the cotton? We need new dish cloths. I like to knit the odd plain dish cloth. It fills an hour with mindless yet useful and productive quick knitting...perfect for my current restlessness regarding my knitting.

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