Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Xmas 2005 - been there, seen it ........done it!

Or I perhaps a better title might have been 'A 101 uses for a Sonic Screwdriver!' J's top pressie. As for the rest of us, well, Loobles ate her furry squeaky boot and Buster killed his brand new catnip mouse. The spiders had a Locust lunch and Snuffles munched his favorite - celery and sliced pear. Dh and I enjoyed a long lunch with big sis and her hubby - where much merriment ensued. The two boys romped, played and were fairly well behaved.

Boxing day - a very quiet family day, just the 3 of us - lovely. Lots of knitting and reading. Very relaxing.

Yesterday - at Dh's family - 9 adults and 5 kids. We played a quiz DVD which got quite competitive but was fun. Got the pee taken out of me for knitting socks - but as I did better than the others - I claimed it focused my mind!

Today - life resumes - Dh is at work. I am recovering from a dodgey prawn - oh boy was I ill last night! I have plans to hatch & formulate for Dh's b/day on Saturday and loads of chores which I plan to ignore!

Hope everyone had a peaceful and jolly Christmas - does the thought of another mince pie make you want to hurl yet?

Happy New Year etc - see you on the other side!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Luscious punk stitch markers from the wonderful Purlpower. Posted by Picasa

This is Suki my new Blythe -Asian Butterfly. She has amazing blue-black hair, which I've washed & conditioned, so it's so soft and silky. Posted by Picasa

Lets play catch-up

A big hunormous ((((hug))) and thank you to Purlpower for the bestest punk stitchmarkers - they are so cool (photo soon - promise).

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my new Blythe (Asian Butterfly) arrived from South Korea today (it only took a week to get here). I will post piccies soon, but first I have to think of a name.

Lots of Xmas knitting - therefore no photos cos you never know who might be peeking.

Am reading like mad as I start my postgrad in the New Year -so much for a nice long study break - ho-hum.

Bought some 100% Alpaca - am now in drool heaven.

Time to spare - take a look at these


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Meet Goomba - a Knitty handwarmer that I've made for J today. A bit fiddly but fun. I used lavender from the garden and he smells lovely. Posted by Picasa

Monday, December 05, 2005

J's Sweater

Here it is at last. Only four years in the making!
I'm pretty sure I started this around the time J started school (abeit briefly). I got fed up with it and went on a 'knitfree' hiatus. The back was complete and front half done.

A couple of weeks ago I found this in my stash cupboard. It was a tad short. So I unpicked the back castoff, added a couple of inches, lengthened the front and sleeves and voila. Not a bad fit.

It's knitted in Sirdar Legend on 4mm and the textures are all from rib variations. If I'm honest I didn't enjoy the pattern, but it was worth it because J loves it.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Still here........

but very busy with stuff, hence lack of blogging.

I had S(stash) E (enhancement) X (expedition) yesterday. I bought some fun fur wool *ducks from yarn snob brickbats* I couldn't help myself it was so purty - it looks likes feathers. I also bought some Rowan Big Wool, Kidsilk Haze and Cashsoft DK. And to add to my yarn stash I had a nice delivery of HipKnits silk from the talented Kerrie this week - so soft and beautiful in mauves and pinks *drool*

Other News.

One stickie has moulted and doubled in size.

We are looking/musing over getting another 8 legged buddy (sh don't tell Ma - she'll moan at me).

DH bought me a surprise - the most beautiful dress (a new posh frock). I'm not a dress kinda gal normally but fell for this - exercised great control and didn't buy it. Ahhhh he's such a sweetie.

The cat got another a flea - more Frontline = one very disgruntled cat and dog, as we did her for good measure.

Finished J's sweater (hoobloodyrah) it's now blocking downstairs.

J is still working on geometry with DH - we also looked at fractions and have being doing a lot of stuff about nature and animals. He also finished the book he was reading - he just whizzed through it. (A huge thank you to Penelope for such wonderful books).

I've been out of the house 5+ times this week *gasp* to some that sounds silly - but when you think I didn't leave the house for 11 days, it's a biggie.

Now it's time for a brew and some knitting :0)