Wednesday, July 06, 2005


So it's official I am in love.................with my Denise knitting needles. I've been meaning to buy some for ages and succumbed on Friday, they were delivered yesterday and it's bliss. Last night I was knitting my silk garden top (it's taking me a while to finish this) which normally after 6 rows makes my hands ache - but not now! The needles are soooooo light - it made knitting heaven.

I also purchased EZ's (Elizabeth Zimmerman) 'Knitting Without Tears' (loads of people recommend this book) and although I am an experienced knitter this book has taught me loads already - including a very liberating attitude to 'my' knitting. If you knit and haven't read it - get it from the library - what a clever and sensible lady.

Finally - check out Elizabeths new blog - 'Never on Oprah Reading List' - see under my complete profile. I've signed up to contribute (haven't yet) but it's going to be interesting. Those of you who read the Knitty board - it's in the library thread - title is the same as the blog name.

P.S - Fingers crossed for M's CAT scan tomorrow. The rest of us are all well - my knee seems heaps better - even managed a work out today (the 1st time in over 8 weeks - boy am I out of shape now).

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